Sunday, May 25, 2014

Welcome to the Darkest Corner of Nature

Dear moonstruck:
Have you ever wondered what is hidden in the darkest, deepest, lonely corners of the earth? Well then, if that is your case, I hope you are mentally and physically prepared for some of the most weird, strange, bizarre, freaky, odd, grotesque animals earth has ever seen.
Welcome to the Darkest Corner of Nature, a blog where you'll be able to read about some of the most eccentric creatures on earth. May be you never knew they existed or some of them you have only saw  in your worst nightmares. I will be posting different species, animals found from the deep of the oceans to the top of the Amazonian trees. From small fish to giant hermit crabs, from crawling insects to creepy monkeys. You won't regret entering this blog and learning something about this grotesque but incredible creatures.

The Aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascarensis), ambassador of this blog is one of the leading weirdest creatures in earth. Soon I will be posting more about this creepy fellow.

One last thing dear reader: once you enter in the Darkest Corner of Nature you will never leave it...

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